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Notices found

29682 Matching results found from 29682 total records : Showing Page 10 of 2969, results 91 to 100

Notice Number Recipient's Name Notice Type Issue Date Local Authority Main Activity
314628297 Strathedin Properties Limited Improvement Notice 28/10/2024 Edinburgh UA LET/OPERATION REAL ESTATE NEX
314629368 Pennine Prostamp LLP Improvement Notice 28/10/2024 York MF WIRE PROD, CHAIN/SPRINGS
314629439 Pennine Prostamp LLP Improvement Notice 28/10/2024 York MF WIRE PROD, CHAIN/SPRINGS
314631023 A Edwards Prohibition Notice Immediate 28/10/2024 Staffordshire Moorlands OTHER BUILDING COMPLETION
314632060 Bridge Farm Nurseries Ltd PPP(SU)R Notice 28/10/2024 South Holland BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICE NEC
314633087 Lochaline Quartz Sand Limited Improvement Notice 28/10/2024 Argyll & Bute UA OTHER MINING AND QUARRYING
314634920 Worcestershire Acute Hospital NHS Trust Improvement Notice 28/10/2024 Worcester HOSPITAL ACTIVITIES
314634968 Worcestershire Acute Hospital NHS Trust Improvement Notice 28/10/2024 Worcester HOSPITAL ACTIVITIES
314643925 A1 Bespoke Joinery Ltd Improvement Notice 28/10/2024 Haringey RTL NEW GDS SPCLISED SOTRS NEC
314643974 A1 Bespoke Joinery Ltd Improvement Notice 28/10/2024 Haringey RTL NEW GDS SPCLISED SOTRS NEC
Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Updated: 2020-02-25->