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Notices served

Notice 314217464 served against Apache North Sea Limited on 09/05/2024
Notice Type Improvement Notice
Description You have failed to take appropriate measures with a view to preventing fire and explosion, in particular to prevent the uncontrolled release of flammable or explosive substances, namely hydrocarbon fluids during main oil line (MOL) pig launcher operations on the Forties Delta offshore installation, because human and organisational factors issues have not been addressed in the design of the pig launching system or in the supporting procedures and competency management systems. Despite you identifying this as a high criticality Safety and Environmentally Critical Task (SECT) and, a previous external review having been completed (report issued 06.05.22), inspection of the pig launching operation failed to demonstrate that the human elements of the task can be delivered reliably when required. Specifically: issues regarding valve access and labelling, which contributed to the initial valve line up checks for the task being omitted; your current competency management arrangements do not assure technician competence regarding critical task steps (such as checks of the launcher door seals) and, you have not ensured that appropriate pressure build up (PBU) tests are completed prior to breaking containment.
Compliance Date 09/11/2024 Revised Compliance Date
Result Complied with

Breaches involved in this Notice

Location of Offence
Address Forties D/Apache North
Forties D

Region Scotland
Local Authority Aberdeen City UA
Industry Extractive and utility supply industries
Type of Location Offshore Safety Directive Regulator
HSE Details
HSE Group EDU3OFFS HSE Directorate Energy Division
HSE Area HSE Division Scotland
Updated: 2020-03-04