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Notices served

Notice 313548493 served against TotalEnergies E&P UK Limited on 19/07/2023
Notice Type Improvement Notice
Description During an inspection of the Elgin/Franklin installation between 03 - 05 July 2023 (and a subsequent meeting on 14 July 2023) I followed up on commitments given in your written response to our previous inspections for actions on the results of the monitoring conducted of the Elgin/Franklin alarm systems performance. I found that the alarm systems do not currently support control room operators (CROs) to reliably respond to alarms correctly and in a timely manner - as is necessary for the effective control of major accident hazards (MAHs). In particular there continues to be; persistently high numbers of standing alarms, inappropriate alarm prioritisation (making important alarms difficult to discriminate from those of less importance) and, alarm rates that are unmanageable for operators in abnormal plant conditions. Key indicators of the usability of the alarm system remain significantly out with the target values stated by established guidance and your own Alarm Philosophy e.g. 891 standing alarms (versus target of <5 stated in BS EN 62682:2015), 19.32% of alarms categorised as high priority (BS EN 62682:2015 target <5%) and, alarms higher than the manageable level of 10 per 10 minutes for 5.67% of operator’s time (BS EN 62682:2015 target <1%). Therefore; you have failed to make and give effect to such arrangements as are appropriate, having regard to the nature of your activities and the size of your undertaking, for the effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of the preventive and protective measures in that; you have failed to establish a clear alarm improvement strategy to address the risk posed by persistent problems with the performance of the Elgin/ Franklin alarm systems.
Compliance Date 16/07/2024 Revised Compliance Date
Result Complied with

Breaches involved in this Notice

Location of Offence
Address Elgin Franklin/Total Energies
Elgin Franklin

Region Scotland
Local Authority Aberdeen City UA
Industry Extractive and utility supply industries
Type of Location Offshore Safety Directive Regulator
HSE Details
HSE Group EDU6HUFA HSE Directorate Energy Division
HSE Area HSE Division Scotland
Updated: 2020-03-04