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Notices served

Notice 313347653 served against Mangat Roofing & Building Ltd on 28/03/2023
Notice Type Immediate Prohibition Notice
Description PN served, serial No PN G20-28MAR2-TM01, Notice No 313347517 - all work on scaffolding is prohibited. Persons are at risk of falling from the lifts without suitable edge protection. You have not taken suitable and sufficient steps to prevent persons falling, for example, provision of guardrails. PN served, serial No PN G20-28MAR2-TM02, Notice No 313347653 - use of all mains electricity on site is prohibited. Persons are liable to injury from electric shock, burns or fire. You have failed to take suitable and sufficient steps to ensure that at all times all systems will be of such construction so as to prevent danger, as there are exposed conductors and equipment available for use. PN served, serial No PN G20-28MAR2-TM03, Notice No 313347720 - all internal work above ground floor is prohibited. Persons are at risk of falling from the staircase and rear roof light opening. You have not taken suitable and sufficient steps to prevent persons from falling from the staircase and the first floor at the rear of the building. IN served, IN-G20170423-TM01, Notice No 313347769 - You have failed to employ or appoint a site manager that is, or is in the process of obtaining, the necessary training, to carry out the management of your site in a way that secures the health and safety of any person working on the construction site. IN served, IN-G20170423-TM02 - Notice No 313347793 - You have failed to ensure that facilities that comply with the requirements of Schedule 2 of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 are provided throughout the construction phase. Specifically, you failed to provide, or make available at readily accessible places, suitable and sufficient sanitary, washing and rest facilities. Notice No. 313347793 - Extension granted to 29/5/23.

Breaches involved in this Notice

Location of Offence
Address HQ/Tangmere Gardens/Mangat Roo
99 Beresford Avenue
Region London
Local Authority Kingston-upon-Thames
Industry Construction
Type of Location Fixed
HSE Details
HSE Group CDOP4GP20 HSE Directorate Construction Division
HSE Area HSE Division London
Updated: 2020-03-04