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Notices served

Notice 313274497 served against Solo Development & Construction Limited on 29/03/2023
Notice Type Improvement Notice
Description Solo Development & Construction Limited - IN + PN served re HSWA & CDM 313274497 IN PT/29/03/2023-01 You have failed to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable that the requirements at Schedule 2 are complied with. You have failed to provide warm, running water on the site. There are no rest areas provided for workers. 313274565 PNPT/29/03/2023-01 You have failed to take steps to prevent danger to any persons to ensure that the excavated face above the retaining wall area does not collapse, no material forming part of the wall is dislodged or may fall or that no person is trapped, buried or struck by material. This being a matter in your control.
Compliance Date 24/04/2023 Revised Compliance Date
Result Complied with

Breaches involved in this Notice

Location of Offence
Address Carlton House/Solo Development
Solo Development & Constructio
PENLEE, Holme Lane
West Yorkshire
Region Yorks & North East
Local Authority Kirklees
Industry Construction
Type of Location Fixed
HSE Details
HSE Group CDOP1GP5 HSE Directorate Construction Division
HSE Area HSE Division Yorkshire and Humber
Updated: 2020-03-04