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Notices served

Notice 313269353 served against Gem Projects (Bath) Limited on 23/03/2023
Notice Type Improvement Notice
Description PGS/SA/200323/01 - 313269031 Use of the tower scaffolds for work at height in the master bedroom. No guard rails have been installed on the tower scaffolds; should a fall occur it is at a height liable to cause serious personal injury. As a person in control of work at height, you have failed to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, that measures are taken to prevent persons falling a distance liable to cause serious personal injury from the tower scaffolds. PGS/SA/200323/02 - 313269332 Use of tower scaffold in the kitchen. No guard rails have been installed on the tower scaffolds; should a fall occur it is at a height liable to cause serious personal injury. As a person in control of work at height, you have failed to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, that measures are taken to prevent persons falling a distance liable to cause serious personal injury from the tower scaffolds. INGS/SA/210323/01 - 313269353 You have failed to provide welfare facilities that comply with Schedule 2 of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 namely, no hot (or warm) running water is located in the immediate vicinity of the sanitary convenience. NGS/SA/210323/02 - 313269389 Insufficient health and safety management training has been given to your project / site manager to ensure that they have sufficient knowledge of relevant legislation to be able to plan, manage, coordinate and monitor the health and safety on site. INGS/SA/210323/03 - 313269420 You have failed to ensure, so far is reasonably practicable, that suitable and sufficient measures as identified within your fire risk assessment are implemented in respect of the management of risk from ignition arising from unattended heaters, electrical cables, and storage of combustible materials.
Compliance Date 17/04/2023 Revised Compliance Date
Result Complied with

Breaches involved in this Notice

Location of Offence
Address Gem Projects (Bath) Limited
Claremont Church
Eastbourne Avenue
Region Wales & South West
Local Authority Bath & NE Somerset
Industry Construction
Type of Location Fixed
HSE Details
HSE Group CDOP3GP14 HSE Directorate Construction Division
HSE Area HSE Division South West
Updated: 2020-03-04