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Notices served

Notice 313189395 served against Assemble Ltd on 07/02/2023
Notice Type Improvement Notice
Description PN1/313153789 - You have failed to ensure that construction work is being carried out by operatives who have the skills, knowledge and experience to carry out the work safely and without risks to health or under the supervision of a person with the relevant skills, knowledge and experience. This being a matter under your control. PN2/313153993 - You have not prevented persons from sleeping on site where they are at significant risks in event of fire because there is no automatic fire detection system, suitable lighting for safe access and egress and taking account of the flammable properties of substances/materials on site eg. Timber and LPG, gas and solvents. This being a matter within your control. IN/AP/07022023/01- You have failed to ensure that the facilities needed to comply with the requirements of schedule 2 of the CDM 2015 are provided throughout the construction phase. Specifically, as there was no hot or warm water, or basin available for operatives to effectively wash their hands. IN/AP/07022023/02-There were ineffective arrangements in place for work at height to be undertaken safely during the construction phase at the land behind the property in London RM7 and identified through another intervention with the HSE back in June 2020. This is shown by examples of un-planned and un-safe work at height being undertaken, multiple fall risks present and the absence of a competent person to supervise the workers or manage these risks on an ongoing basis.
Compliance Date 24/02/2023 Revised Compliance Date
Result Complied with

Breaches involved in this Notice

Location of Offence
Address HO/Lower Hall Lane/Assemble Lt
Elm Road
Region London
Local Authority Havering
Industry Construction
Type of Location Fixed
HSE Details
HSE Group CDOP4GP22 HSE Directorate Construction Division
HSE Area HSE Division London
Updated: 2020-03-04