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Notices served

Notice 312979534 served against AA Fencing UK Limited on 21/11/2022
Notice Type Improvement Notice
Description 1 x IN issued : IN/LF/AA/091122/01 You have failed to prevent access to dangerous parts of machinery, namely the rotating chuck of the Herbert 'no1' Pillar Drill situated in your welding shed, giving rise to the risk of your employees sustaining serious injuries. 1 x IN issued : IN/LF/AA/091122/02 You have failed to prevent access to dangerous parts of machinery, namely the rotating chuck of the Meddings Pillar Drill situated in the Pales Shed, giving rise to the risk of your employees sustaining serious injuries. 1 x IN issued : IN/LF/AA/161122/03 You have failed to ensure that the exposure of your employees to welding fume, which is a substance hazardous to health, has been prevented or adequately controlled, as you have failed to provide suitable measures to eliminate or control welding fume such as Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) or on-torch extraction, giving rise to the risk of your employees developing ill health as a result of exposure. 1 x IN Issued : IN/LF/AA/161122/04 You have failed to ensure that the exposure of your employees to a substance hazardous to health, namely water-mix metal working fluids used in your metal working machines, has been prevented or adequately controlled, as you have failed to monitor the condition of the metal working fluids to ensure they are not building up harmful levels of bacteria 1 x IN issued : IN/LF/AA/171122/05 You have failed to provide your employees with suitable and sufficient facilities at work to eat meals, where food eaten in the workplace would otherwise be likely to become contaminated, as your staff room area was unclean and very unpleasant in appearance. 1 x IN issued : IN/LF/AA/211122/06 (312979534) You have failed to implement a safe system of work for ensuring your storage areas, such as the overheadshelf in the main shed and the racking in the external yard, are not overloaded with products, as there is nodefined safe working load limit or system of work to determine how much product can safely be stored giving rise to the risk of the storage area failing and causing harm to your employees. 1 x IN issued : IN/LF/AA/211122/07 (312979579) You have failed to make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks from exposure to noise in theworkplace to the health and safety of your employees 1 x IN issued : IN/LF/AA/211122/08 (312979593) You have failed to prevent access to dangerous parts of machinery, namely the dangerous parts of the 4roller machines in the pales shed, such as the numerous powered rollers and in-running nip points, giving rise to the risk of your employees making contact with dangerous parts and sustaining serious injuries. 1 x IN issued : IN/LF/AA/211122/09 (312979601) You have failed to make, and give effect, to appropriate arrangements for the effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of your preventative and protective measures for health & safety, as there was a significant number of serious breaches during my site visit.
Compliance Date 06/01/2023 Revised Compliance Date
Result Complied with

Breaches involved in this Notice

Location of Offence
Address HQ/Evans Road/AA Fencing UK Li
A A Fencing UK Ltd
2 Evans Road
L24 9PB
Region North West
Local Authority Liverpool
Industry Manufacturing
Type of Location Fixed
HSE Details
HSE Group FODOP2GP8 HSE Directorate Field Operations Division
HSE Area HSE Division North West
Updated: 2020-03-04