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Notices served

Notice 312952409 served against Titan Forge Limited on 08/11/2022
Notice Type Improvement Notice
Description IN/MM/G15/08112022/01 - You have failed to take all reasonable steps to ensure that control measures provided for the control of welding fume exposure are properly used or applied, as you have failed to ensure that local exhaust ventilation and respiratory protective equipment is always used when your employees conduct welding activities. IN/MM/G15/08112022/02 - As an employer you have failed to arrange for the safe storage of dangerous substances, as you are storing compressed gas cylinders containing Propane (a flammable substance) and those containing a non- flammable substance (a mixture of inert gases for MIG welding), inside the business’s workshop in a manner which does not prevent them from falling over or being struck by a forklift truck, in the case of those stored near the office both of which create an explosion risk. IN/MM/G15/08112022/03 - You have failed to make and give effect to appropriate arrangements for the effective monitoring of water-mix metalworking fluid (MWF) quality, in that concentration and pH testing is not conducted at appropriate intervals to ensure MWF quality is maintained in the recommended range within the sump of the business’s horizontal bandsaw, where exposure to poor quality MWF can increase the risk of developing ill health conditions such as Dermatitis. IN/MM/G15/08112022/04 - That as an employer you have failed to ensure that employees who are, or are liable to be exposed to metalworking fluid, a substance hazardous to health, are under suitable health surveillance. IN/MM/G15/08112022/05 - You have failed to provide suitable and sufficient washing facilities at readily accessible places, at your business premises located at the property in London E10 as there is no supply of clean hot or warm water.
Compliance Date 19/12/2022 Revised Compliance Date
Result Complied with

Breaches involved in this Notice

Location of Offence
Address Shaftesbury Road/Titan Forge L
Titan Forge Ltd
Unit 3
Shaftesbury Road
E10 7DA
Region London
Local Authority Waltham Forest
Industry Manufacturing
Type of Location Fixed
HSE Details
HSE Group FODOP4GP15 HSE Directorate Field Operations Division
HSE Area HSE Division London
Updated: 2020-03-04