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Notices served

Notice 312833581 served against Apache North Sea Limited on 23/09/2022
Notice Type Improvement Notice
Description That you have failed to ensure a written asbestos management plan has been prepared including communication amongst all individuals who are involved in the planning and undertaking of work activities liable to disturb asbestos containing materials onboard Forties C. It was identified that the Forties C asbestos register is not easily accessible to all, including both onshore and offshore based work planners, with current access only available directly via the asbestos competent person (MSA) who is based permanently offshore. Therefore you are failing to pass on relevant information to persons who are liable to disturb asbestos e.g. planners and workers. It was further established that no formal mechanism exists e.g. a planned maintenance routine, to aide and prompt routine inspection, assessment and recording of identified or suspected asbestos containing materials onboard Forties C.
Compliance Date 30/01/2023 Revised Compliance Date 31/07/2023
Result Complied with

Breaches involved in this Notice

Location of Offence
Address Forties C/Apache North

Region Scotland
Local Authority Aberdeen City UA
Industry Extractive and utility supply industries
Type of Location Offshore Safety Directive Regulator
HSE Details
HSE Group EDU3OFFS HSE Directorate Energy Division
HSE Area HSE Division Scotland
Updated: 2020-03-04