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Notices served

Notice 312328938 served against Handmark Engineering Company Limited on 21/02/2022
Notice Type Improvement Notice
Description IN Served- Failure to ensure the exposure of employees to substances hazardous to health, namely mist from water mixed metal working fluid when operating CNC milling machines, is prevented or adequately controlled. Inhalation of mist from water-mix metal working fluid can cause Occupational Asthma or Occupational Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis. IN served- do not have appropriate health and safety arrangements in place for the effective monitoring, review and maintenance of the preventative and protective measures on your CNC Milling machines. IN served- failure to implement appropriate arrangements for the control, monitoring and review of preventive and protective measures in relation to water-mix metal working fluids.
Compliance Date 20/05/2022 Revised Compliance Date
Result Complied with

Breaches involved in this Notice

Location of Offence
Address Park Road Ind Est/Handmark Eng
Park Road Industrial Estate
Park Road
LA13 4EQ
Local Authority
Industry Manufacturing
Main Activity 28490 - MF OF OTHER MACHINE TOOLS
Type of Location Fixed
HSE Details
HSE Group FODOP2GP5 HSE Directorate Field Operations Division
HSE Area HSE Division
Updated: 2020-03-04