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Notices served

Notice 311492247 served against Diageo Scotland Limited on 24/03/2021
Notice Type Improvement Notice
Description Diageo Scotland Ltd - Improvement Notice re CEMHD1B/240321/IM1. You have failed to ensure that work equipment that is exposed to conditions causing deterioration which is liable to result in dangerous situations is inspected at suitable intervals because you have not carried out a suitable and sufficient assessment of the the risk of failure of vat, tanks & vessels, that form your primary containment boundary, that store ethanol products which are COMAH substances, that if lost could lead to a major accident, e.g. fire, and this has resulted in you not being able to ensure that you can carry out inspections to ensure that health and safety conditions are maintained and that any deterioration can be detected and remedied in good time.
Compliance Date 24/05/2021 Revised Compliance Date 29/11/2021
Result Complied with

Breaches involved in this Notice

Location of Offence
Address Cameronbridge/Diageo (Scotland
Cameronbridge Distillery
Region Scotland
Local Authority Fife UA
Industry Manufacturing
Type of Location Fixed
HSE Details
HSE Group CEMHDU1B HSE Directorate Chemical Explo & Microbio Hazards Division
HSE Area HSE Division Scotland
Updated: 2020-03-04