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Notices served

Notice 311463171 served against Plater Chemicals Ltd on 04/02/2021
Notice Type Improvement Notice
Description Serial No. - CEMHD - 220121 - CB1 (311462958) PN issued for activities namely entry onto the top of Spray Dryer Number 5 without atomiser motor being securely isolated from the electricity supply to it because the woring between the local socket and the atomiser unit is not protected as necessary to prevent, so far as reasonably practicable, danger. Serial No. - CEMHD -150221-CB1 (311463139) PN issued for activities namely spray drying any substance that creates flammable dust, either as indicated by safety data supplied with the substance or as established by testing including ferric ammonium citrate, Rhodorsil and Crodafos MCK without adequate risk elimination/ reduction measures in place to reduce the risks arising from the generaltion and handling of explosible dusts during the spray drying process to as low as reasonably practicable because Spray dryer 5 and 6 did not have adequate risk control measures in place to prevent the formation of a flammable atmosphere which if ignited would result in a fire, fireball or explosion. Serial No. - CEMHD-CB-220121-02 - (311463171) IN served because records of ongoing inspections and testing by competent persons on the spray dryer 5 burner did not cover all the expected safety functions for a burner of this type. I was told that the approach taken on Spray dryer 5 was consistent across all operational spray dryers on site. For this reason you have failed to reduce risks associated with spray dryer 1,5,6,9,10 and 11 burner currently operated on site as far as is reasonably practicable. Serial No. - CEMHD-CB-220121-02 - (311463183) IN served because you have failed to make a suitable and sufficient risk assessment of the risks to the health and safety of your employees and those not in your employment arising from your processing and handling of dangerous substances, specifically explosible dusts and you have not reduced the risks arising from the generation and handling of explosible dusts in the spray drying processing areas (currently spray dryer 1,5,6,9,10 and 11) on site to as low as reasonably practicable.
Compliance Date 29/10/2021 Revised Compliance Date 06/05/2022
Result Complied with

Breaches involved in this Notice

Location of Offence
Address Glossop/Plater Chemicals Ltd
High Street West
SK13 8ES
Region Midlands
Local Authority High Peak
Industry Manufacturing
Type of Location Fixed
HSE Details
HSE Group CEMHDU2F HSE Directorate Chemical Explo & Microbio Hazards Division
HSE Area HSE Division East Midlands
Updated: 2020-03-04